My Blog List

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Veggies Rule!!

Ahh, it truly is amazing how willing I am to procrastinate doing my schoolwork just so I can write about my day on my blog!!! It is just so hard to motivate myself to work on Cash Flow problems for my Health Care Budget and Finance class.
So, I'm on a mission to eat more veggies. I love to cook and try new recipes so I did a search on for some veggie recipe options. I found a really good one for Farmer's Market Vegetarian Quesadillas and I tried it out today. Really tasty and relatively low calorie, but more important was the fact that I got my fill of great veggies while eating it!!! It's not that I don't enjoy vegetables because I really do, I just have the hardest time figuring out quick and easy ways to make them besides the boring way of steaming them which I do all the time. What about you? What are your favorite ways to get in your veggies??
Training has been going very well and I ran my two miles today the fastest I have ever run!!
Sunday- 5.2 miles at (what was on Sunday) my fastest pace EVER of 9:41!!
Monday--Ab Core training and some Yoga
Tuesday--TOUGH 4.3 mile run outside pace of 9:51, my ABS were killing me from the day before!!
Today--2 mile treadmill run, 9:35 pace
OK, OK! I'm signing off to do homework now.


  1. I have a HUGE salad pretty much every day for lunch where I include flaxseed and a variety of veggies.

  2. Hi Beth,
    Found your blog through the Age Groups Rock blog. I'm in the Bay Area too, east bay actually. Running a half is a goal of mine as well and I'm hoping to do that sometime later thisxcyear after I rehab a broken and sprained ankle.

    Looking forward to following your running journey :)
